Insurance investigations | Motor claim investigations | Home claim investigations | ULR
0800 622 6412

Vestigo was originally formed in July 2003 as the first UK investigation company specialising solely on the motor insurance industry. It continues to provide exceptional levels of service to help insurers deal with what we term as “difficult claims”. The most popular being trace and status enquiries into errant third parties, along with the provision of witness statements and locus reports (see "SERVICES"). Having grown to become one of the UK’s largest investigations companies within its field, we feel proud to have made a difference and to remain at the forefront of innovation.
Vestigo's achievements:
1st to introduce a secure web portal.
1st to offer 15-day turnaround as standard.
1st to provide a complete DPA audit trail for every investigation.
1st to provide a 5-day express service.
1st to provide a legal recommendation as to the next course of action.
1st to include digital animation in locus reports.
1st to offer "real time" comprehensive MI.
1st to acknowledge receipt of instructions within seconds.
Vestigo continues to be the benchmark for all motor insurance investigations companies within the UK

"There's a way to do it better - find it." Thomas Edison